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Pentru a calcula pretul exact si a vedea ce este liber completeaza o cerere de oferta. Pe site afisam doar pretul indicativ valabil pentru extrasezon / luna ianuarie, la perioade de +31 de zile, in varianta cu garantie standard de 1000-1500 euro in functie de clasa masinii si depozit blocat pe card de credit. Pentru a obtine rata aplicabila completati formularul de "estimare pret" si in functie de masina disponibila revenim cu tariful furnizorului unde este libera. Toate tarifele includ TVA si asigurare RCA si sunt valabile pentru masinile preluate in extrasezon (1 ianuarie 2024 - 31 martie 2024). Pentru oricare alte perioade, in sezonul estival, de Craciun sau de Paste, tarifele variaza masiv si pot fi mult mai mari. Completati formularul din pagina masinii dorite pentru a va calcula o oferta concreta de pret in functie de perioada de inchiriere dorita si disponibilitate.
Alexandria is located in the southern part of the Romanian Plain and is the seat of Teleorman county. The city is crossed by the Vedea river and it has a pleasant and warm climate, being located at an altitude of only 40m.
The plan of the city was made in 1834 by the Austrian engineer Otto von Moritz (who also designed on the current territory of Romania the towns Braila, Giurgiu and Turnu Severin). Because in that time Alexandru Dimitrie Ghica (1834 - 1842) was the ruler of The Romanian Country, the city of Alexandria was named after him.
Did you know that:
- The murals inside the Cathedral of St. Alexander were made by Stefan Luchian and Constantin Artachino in 1898?
- In 1834 ruler Alexandru Ghica Dumitra Ekstruktia signs a document representing the city constitution? The document was valid for 30 years, and today it is exposed at the Teleorman County Museum?
On the streets of Alexandria we can admire a number of churches like the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Alexander (where ruler Alexandru Ghica is buried) built between 1869 and 1898, the Church of Saints Peter and Paul - 1864, Saints Constantine and Helen Church - 1852 and others.
On the territory of the city there is also a museum (Museum of History) and a number of monuments such as the Bust of Alexandru Ghica.