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Arad is the largest city in the county with the same name and its residence. With a population of 172,827 inhabitants, the town is crossed by the Mures river. It is one of the most important cities in the west of the country, from the cultural, industrial and economic point of view. The first documented mention of the city is in the year 1028.
In the Middle Ages the city will be under the rule of Habsburg twice, also twice under Ottoman rule, and once under Romanian dominion (Michael the Brave will free city from the Ottoman rule in 1599, managing to keep it under his rule until 1616 when the Turks recaptured the territory).
Did you know that:
- In Arad there is the largest outdoor swimming pool in Europe, Neptune swimming pool, situated on the river Mures?
- In 1846, the famous classical music composer Franz Liszt performed in Arad?
- The first guild of the furriers was formed on the territory of Arad, in 1702?
On the territory of Arad there are a lot of architectural monuments, among which we remind: Arad Fortress (built in the second half of the 18th century), the Administrative Palace, the Neuman Palace, the Palace of Justice, Szantay Palace, the Padlock House, the Water Tower.
Furthermore, we can visit a number of churches, such as the Serbian Church of Saints Peter and Paul (1698-1702), the Monastery of St Simeon the Stylite, the Romanian Orthodox Cathedral St. John the Baptist or the Neolog Synagogue, as well as the following museums: Arad Museum Complex, Vasile Goldis Memorial Museum and a number of 7 art galleries.