Servicii de inchirieri auto la prețuri competitive !
In Iulie si August (sezon) tarifele pot fi mult mai mari. Completeaza pe site formularul "CERE OFERTA" si revenim cu pret si disponibilitate.
VAT and Road Tax included, unlimited mileage, free emergency assistance and +500 brand new cars
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All our rental cars are newer than 3 years and rates include CASCO CDW insurance, road tax and we do not ask for credit cards.
Punem ca broker la dispoziția clienților noștri sute de mașini de închiriat din București precum și din alte 42 de orașe din România. Toate furnizorilor listati sunt mai noi de 3 ani, majoritatea fiind în proporție de peste 90% fabricate după 2023. The cars are air-conditioned as well as ABS and airbags.

Ce este pretul "de la"?

Pentru a calcula pretul exact si a vedea ce este liber completeaza o cerere de oferta. Pe site afisam doar pretul indicativ valabil pentru extrasezon / luna ianuarie, la perioade de +31 de zile, in varianta cu garantie standard de 1000-1500 euro in functie de clasa masinii si depozit blocat pe card de credit. Pentru a obtine rata aplicabila completati formularul de "estimare pret" si in functie de masina disponibila revenim cu tariful furnizorului unde este libera. Toate tarifele includ TVA si asigurare RCA si sunt valabile pentru masinile preluate in extrasezon (1 ianuarie 2024 - 31 martie 2024). Pentru oricare alte perioade, in sezonul estival, de Craciun sau de Paste, tarifele variaza masiv si pot fi mult mai mari. Completati formularul din pagina masinii dorite pentru a va calcula o oferta concreta de pret in functie de perioada de inchiriere dorita si disponibilitate.

Oradea is the seat of Bihor county, and also its largest city. Located in the west of the country, a short distance away of the Hungarian border, the town is crossed by the Crisul Repede river.

Oradea has a population of 206,746 inhabitants, of which a part is represented by the minorities - Hungarian, German and Ukrainian (about 25%), comprising also smaller minorities such as the Hebrew or Slovenian minorities. As the most important city of the historical region Crisana, Oradea was over the years an important cultural and commercial center of the Middle Ages.

Did you know that:

- In the Middle Ages, in the Fortress of Oradea there was an astronomical observatory, and the astronomers used the city's meridian as a meridian 0°?
- In the interwar period, the Hebrew population in Oradea represented 20.6%?
- The city is also called the City of Eleven Bridges, as there are 11 bridges over Crisul Repede in Oradea?

Oradea is in the vicinity of Baile Felix and Baile 1 Mai spa resorts, at distances of 8 km and 4 km. Other attractions of the surrounding area are the Betfia Crater (with a depth of 86 metres) and the Peta stream, on which valley there is a tropical vegetation unique in Europe.

In the city you can visit: the Roman Catholic Basilica, the Moon Church, Black Eagle Palace, Deutsch House, Ullmann Palace, Poinar Palace, Zion Synagogue, Fortress of Oradea, Apollo Palace, Moskovits Palace, Stern Palace, along with other architectural monuments. Also in Oradea there are two museums: the Ady Endre Museum and the Ursuline Complex.

Book ahead of time before it's too late. Depending on the occupancy of the fleet, cars rented for July and August can be up to 100% more expensive.

We have 500 cars all newer than 3 years, with delivery in over 42 cities in Romania, NON STOP services