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Targu Mures is located in the centre of the Transylvania Depression and it is the seat of Mures county and its largest city. The first documented mention of the city dates from 1332, when it is recorded as the Novum Forum Siculorum (New Szekely Fair).
Currently the city has a population of approximately 145 000 inhabitants, from whom roughly 70 100 are of Hungarian origin. This is region is one of the few in the country where the native Romanian population is close to a minority status.
Targu Mures was a thriving medieval fortress, but because of devastating fires few buildings have survived, mostly in the northern part of the city. The city is defined by an amazing cultural diversity (there are people of German and Hebrew ethnicities as well) which manifests itself in all areas of the social life from the existence of different fraternities to theaters, festivals and bilingual performances.
Did you know that:
- One of the biggest international music festivals in the country, Peninsula Festival, takes place in Targu Mures?
- According to the census of 1992, the Hungarian population exceeded the Romanian population (84,492 Hungarians, 76,742 Romanian)?
- The Targu Mures Zoo is the second in the country as area and diversity of species?
Targu Mures is centrally placed in a lowland surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains. The region is crossed by the river Mures, on which a leisure complex was built (Weekend) where there are several swimming pools and areas designed for boating or hydrocycling.
The area has a temperate climate, with 8.2° C annual temperature average and precipitations that can reach 650 mm annually. These characteristics are influenced by the proximity of the mountains (Gurghiu Mountains). Due to the positioning in the Carpathian Mountains, the area is protected from the cold air currents, so even in winter the blizzards are rare.
In the northern part of the city, there is a part of the medieval fortress, built in the early 17th century, with strong walls and imposing towers, in a perfect state of preservation. Inside the fortress there is the Gothic building of the Reformed Church, built in the 14th century. Another tourist area of the city is the central square (Rose Square) where the main architectural symbols of the city are (the Palace of Culture, the Old Town Hall, the Apollo Palace, the National Theatre). Also many buildings with a unique architecture can be visited, such as the Teleki-Bolyai Library, Teleki House, Bányai House, Kopeczi House or Arcade House, as well as a number of museums (ethnography and folk art, natural science, art, history).