VW Multivan or similar
Minibus (XMMV)

The price shown includes: VAT, insurance CASCO CDW, RCA, road tax and unlimited mileage
Multumesc mult am fost foarte multumita. In decembrie vom apela (din nou) la dumneavoastra.
Extra details and answers
What does the price include?
All rates include unlimited mileage, RCA insurance, road tax, vignette and CDW cover. After filling in the booking form the system will calculate automatically the total price for renting a car.
How old are the rental cars?
All cars are as a general rule newer than 3 years old. They have ESP/AFU and AC. Although we cannot guarantee 100% the level of equipment, but only the vehicle class, such new vehicles, imply a good fuel consumption and a very low probability of technical failure.
More questions? See the FAQ section.
Trunk volume:
827 liters
Number of doors:
We must not forget that although the suspensions were designed to provide comfort rather than manoeuvrability, Multivan is a car that drives beautifully, being perfect for long journeys. Also to be taken into consideration is the low consumption (only 6 litres of fuel, for a diesel engine), especially reported to the generous dimensions of the car.
The innovation of this model is the possibility of folding the back seats into the floor, thus abandoning the previous necessity of their removal (required for older models). The designers have not neglected the safety either, equipping the car with two ABS and ESC systems, a complex system of airbags and seat belts.
Este pretul in luna ianuarie, la perioade de +31 de zile, in varianta cu garantie standard de 1000-1500 euro in functie de clasa masinii si depozit blocat pe card de credit. Pentru a obtine rata aplicabila completati formularul de "estimare pret" si in functie de masina disponibila revenim cu tariful furnizorului unde este libera. Toate tarifele includ TVA si asigurare RCA si sunt valabile pentru masinile preluate in extrasezon (1 ianuarie 2024 - 31 martie 2024). Pentru oricare alte perioade, in sezonul estival, de Craciun sau de Paste, tarifele variaza masiv.
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